Dedicated to the memory of our darling Bethany

This site is a tribute to Betty, who was born in Pembury on September 14, 2003. She was much loved and will always be remembered by all who had the pleasure of meeting her. We remember her happy face despite all her problems , her trademark bells and a memorable laugh .


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In Dec 2022 our beautiful and brave daughter, Bethany passed away after a brief hospital stay. She was just 19 years old. Beth was born with a very rare genetic life limiting disorder - at the time of her diagnosis there were only 35 girls worldwide who had the same condition. Her condition meant she needed 24/7 care; she was unable to walk, talk or feed herself and her condition or complications of it, resulted in regular periods in hospital. Anyone who has ever looked after a sick or elderly relative will know how important it is take time out for yourself and your family which is where Ellenor stepped in to help me and my family. They are an adult hospice located in Kent who care for patients at end of life or with life limiting conditions by providing support to families, children, carers and even those who have not been referred to Ellenor. When Beth turned 18, she was able to access this amazing facility providing 24/7 residential care to allow me and my husband Steve and our two other daughters, Keira and Grace time to do normal things as a family; the kind of things others would take for granted. To say their service was a life line to us is an understatement particularly after the preceding two year Covid period. To help raise donations for this wonderful facility, my family and I along with my close colleagues within LRM, who have supported us through the most challenging of times, are walking the Bridges of London - a total of 11km, and I would be very grateful for any support you could offer. The charity receives very little financial support from government so no little is too small as your money will help keep this charity running to enable them to continue to provide care and support to other families during tough times.
steve & Emma
2nd May 2023
Today is the 3 month anniversary since Beth passed away. Not a day goes by that we don't miss and think about her. It seems an appropriate day to thank you all for the amazing donations you have made to her chosen charities Eleanor and Demelza. We remember the happy times that Beth attended both of these amazing respite facilities and we are sure that your generous donations with help support other families as they did ours. Steve and Emma XXX
Steve and Emma
16th March 2023
Marie sent this to us yesterday. We wanted to share as it really resonated with us. Thank you This is what grief is. A hole ripped through the very fabric of your being. The hole eventually heals along the jagged edges that remain. It may even shrink in size. But that hole will always be there. A piece of you always missing. For where there is deep grief, there was great love. Don’t be ashamed of your grief. Don’t judge it. Don’t suppress it. Don’t rush it. Rather, acknowledge it. Lean into it. Listen to it. Feel it. Sit with it. Sit with the pain. And remember the love. This is where the healing will begin.
Mum and Dad
25th January 2023
Fundraising for
Demelza House Ellenor
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